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Certified IyengarYoga Instructor


Californienne de naissance, Liza Sullivan découvre trés jeune la meditation et l’art du bien être.

Apres avoir exercé la profession de monteuse de cinema a Los Angeles, Liza à suivi son coeur pour s’ installer a Paris avec son mari.

Depuis 2002, elle étudie le Yoga Iyengar auprès de Corinne Biria. Elle a suivi sa formation avec Claire des Longchamps et obtenu son certificat en septembre 2019.


Le yoga est devenu une part essentielle de la vie de Liza. Elle est attirée par son aspect méditatif : l”attention au souffle, aux details et à l’alignement correct des asanas.

Dans sa propre pratique, Liza a vu comment le yoga peut apporter un fort ancrage de son état mental et émotionnelle. Elle veut transmettre son enthousiasme et sa passion pour le yoga aux élèves.

Professeur certifiée de Yoga Iyengar

Liza discovered meditation and the art of well-being at a very young age in California.

After working as a Motion Picture Editor in Los Angeles, Liza followed her heart to Paris.

Since 2002, she has been studying Iyengar Yoga with Corinne Biria at the Centre de Yoga Iyengar, Paris. Liza completed her Teacher’s Training with Claire des Longchamps and obtained her certificate in September 2019.


Yoga has become an essential part of Liza's life. She is attracted by its meditative aspect: attention to the breath, to the details and the correct alignment of the asanas.

In her own practice, Liza has seen how yoga can provide a strong anchor for her mental and emotional state. She wants to transmit her enthusiasm and passion for yoga to her students.

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“Keep in mind that when you practice yoga, you are not practicing to improve yourself. You are perfect. The practice is there to help you know that”


Maty Ezraty


“Keep in mind that when you practice yoga, you are not practicing to improve yourself. You are perfect. The practice is there to help you know that”


Maty Ezraty


What is Iyengar Yoga?

Iyengar Yoga is a system of hatha yoga developed by B.K.S. Iyengar.  Based on the eight limbs of yoga by Patanjali in  The Yoga Sutras. Through the practice of Iyengar yoga one cultivates self awareness through Asana (yoga postures) and Pranayama (yogic breathing). Attention is given to the development of alignment, balance, strength, stamina, flexibility, concentration, and sharp awareness. 

Iyengar Yoga offers a clear and grounded path to holistic health of body, mind and spirit.


What to expect in your Iyengar yoga class


  •  For beginners, we begin with three Om’s. As we progress with our practice we begin each class with a chant to honor Patanjali, the sage who compiled the classic yoga texts.

  •  Precise verbal instructions and visual demonstrations help reinforce the learning of proper alignement

  • Modifications often include the use of props such as blocks, blankets and belts. Using props can allow for a deeper understanding of the posture and improve the student’s comfort level.

  • Certified Iyengar teachers are trained to modify the classic asanas (yoga postures) for individual students.

  • Typically a class ends with Savasana, corpse pose or deep relaxation. Students learn to rest in a profound way, completely releasing the body while drawing the mind towards a state of peace within.

  • The slower (Doux) class is for beginners and Seniors who want to build a strong asana foundation at a slower pace.

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I“I think it's interesting that the opposite of being active in yoga is not being passive. It's being receptive.”                ~ Cyndi Lee


I“I think it's interesting that the opposite of being active in yoga is not being passive. It's being receptive.”               


Cyndi Lee


Rustrel Classes

Group and private classes taught at:




New class Wednesdays 19:15h-20:45 All levels


Classes are 12 Euros

Private lessons on demand

Classes and workshops are taught in French. English is also spoken.

What do I need to bring?


An empty stomach – allow at least three hours after a heavy meal and 1 ½ hours after a light meal. You can bring your own mat if you like but yoga material is provided with disinfectant to clean mat after class.


What do I wear?


Please wear comfortable clothing that allows you to move freely. Shorts or tights/leggings are recommended so that teachers can better observe your alignment. Bare feet allow better sensitivity to the floor and are best to ensure traction on the mat. Please refrain from wearing perfume, cologne, or any other strongly scented products as they can trigger headaches in others.

I am not flexible, can I do yoga?

Iyengar Yoga is accessible for all ages and all body types. It is known for its focus on precision and timing and the use of props, which were designed by Mr. Iyengar to help the practitioner to achieve perfection in any asana. Regular practice of Iyengar Yoga integrates the body, mind, and emotions.


 Increased Flexibility -You don’t need to be able to touch your toes to do Iyengar, but if you stick to it that may be one side effect you notice.

 Toned Body In addition to stretching your muscles, the physical demand of holding each pose will help you build strength and tone your body. As Iyengar engages the whole body, the attention goes not just to the main muscle, but instructs the practitioner to think about where the muscles are connected to other body parts and engage them as well.

 Calmer Thoughts- Once you enter an asana, you are encouraged to focus on the alignment, disengage from other thoughts in your mind and be in the moment. You can think of it as a type of meditation, which, the more you practice it, the calmer your mind becomes — during and outside the session.

 Pain Relief-Studies have supported the practice of Iyengar relieves back and neck pain. When focusing on alignment, you start to notice the bad everyday postures such as slouching and hunching and with time you find correcting them comes easily and naturally

 Better Posture-Iyengar yoga helps you strengthen the muscles of the body responsible for posture, like the legs, back and core. With minor adjustments to improve alignment, the small muscles that are often ignored become stronger. The result is that you’ll find yourself sitting and standing straighter, which will give you more energy, less pain, and increased confidence.

  Protection from Disease   Iyengar yoga helps improve the overall functioning of the body—from the circulatory and lymphatic systems, to the nervous and digestive ones. When the body’s systems are doing their jobs, organs are working more efficiently.

 Quality Breathing While you hold your asana and consider your alignment, Iyengar also instructs you to focus on the breath. Many of us hold our breath during times of stress, often without realisation. The more you practice breathing, the less you’ll end up holding your breath unconsciously – the more oxygen gets to your brain, the better.


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Paris classes

Private lessons in yoga, pranayama and meditation (Tibetan Buddhism) only in Paris, please inquire.


Classes and workshops are taught in French. English is also spoken.

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Cours à Rustrel aux ateliers Musilub

Cour en français

Le planning pour 2023/2024


Le mardi 9:30h-11 Débutants avancés

Le mercredi 19hh-20:30  All levels, tous niveaux

Le jeudi 17h-18;30  Yoga " Doux" pour Debutants et Seniors

Iyengar Yoga 'Soft" 

This beginner level class is at a slower pace than a normal class but just as deep and dynamic in the Iyengar tradition.


​Le samedi 9:30h-11h  

Niveau 1-2

This moderately paced class is appropriate for beginners and seasoned students seeking to focus on fundamental asanas. Standing, seated, forward extension, twisting,back extension and inverted postures are taught.

Class fee is 12 euros per class 

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Workshops Level 1-2 and Senior workshops are given both in Rustrel and in Paris.


Please check this web site for new workshops.



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